European virgin hair silk top Jewish wigs is well-known on present market and has won great popularity among quality clients in the right of Best Quality and Reasonable Price .Its cap design is silk or mono top and machine-made back Or silk top with all hand-tied.
The law is that a married Jewish women,(not all Jewish women) are supposed to cover their hair. Some women choose to wear Orthodox Jewish women wigs, which is proper according to some authorities and is not according to some (their objections are probably the same as yours). That is to say,there are some factors to consider:
1) A regular wig almost never looks as nice as a woman’s own hair (and it never looks “exactly the same”). A woman’s hair is a key factor , for whatever factor, in her own sensuality.
2) A lot of Jewish wigs are made from real human hair, and some of them do be very nice, and VERY expensive. It happens that some women end up covering up with hair that looks even better than their own.Some poskim (Jewish legal authorities) encourage the wearing of sheitel, Others discourage this sort of extravagance.
Again, the rule is that she must keep her hair covered – there is no rule saying she can’t cover it up in a way that it still looks like hair. A more interesting question, I think, is whether a man wearing a toupee is fulfilling the commandment to keep his head covered? (men aren’t obligated to cover their hair, but they are required to wear a headcovering), even though it may appear he is not.
Jewish women do cover their heads with either wig or cloth. The Jewish law says that married woman should cover their hair. To hide their own hair ,some women wear a wig or Sheitel, but most prefer to wear a wig although it will not give beauty to the woman as the natural hair would give. The hair is even kept in the form of a wig and should be covered and not be exposed as per the law. It is a Jewish myth that Jewish women should not expose their hair to any other person other than their husbands because it is considered as a mark of beauty.